Minggu, 29 Maret 2015


I think, it's the funniest story.
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At my office, I have a staff.. You know.....this staff has a worst habit. Come to office always late although I have told him to not do that anymore. If he has a bad report from absent of work he always ask me to sign his letter to tell his reason to come too late to the office. He  only do the command from the division manager but never do what I had commanded to him. It's always back and back again until I can't speak anymore because I ever ask to move him from my section. But I know, no one likes him and no one want him to be their staff.

I also never likes this staff because I have special notes of him. He's neglected his daughter and his son just because an affair with the other staff at our office. For me, he has no responsibility for his kids. And how can he responsible to the job ? Yesterday, someone was angry to me because this staf not finishing the tables that I have ask him to did it. She said loudly,

"Why you still believe him to do the jobs ? Why you give the jobs to person like him that has no responsibility ? "

I can't answered, what was she told. Because I have ever ask her to move this staff but it never happened. He still to be my staff. Why ? Because no one likes him. Why ? Because he always has think that the other people is not clever like himself. He never follow what I have said.

The funniest thing is......the head division at my office can't make a decision to rebuke and give the sanction to him because the head division can't operate the computer, much less opened and reading an email.

How many head division at your office have that funniest situation like that..... just because can't operate the computer and reading the email than very permissive with an affair or the bad habit ?

The other of funniest story

If the employees retire from the office, I think it's enough for them to take a rest time and makes the relationship with people near their home. Their age is not young  and physically not strong enough anymore. But it's different at my office.

The retired of head division still have a power. They can do everything like sorting and burning the document. It's unbelievable but it's happened.

I have so many documents that put at the front of a little room. These documents are belong of district office. I put it there because these documents will be take home by the district office after the data in that document put on the internet application.

You know what happened to my documents ? It burned by the cleaning service after the files  selected by the manager of the cleaning service. Who is the manager of those cleaning service ? He 's the retired of head of division at my office.

The funniest thing is ...... he said to me that he selected the old documents and ordered to the cleaning service to burned it because he thinks it is useless. He did it without asking the people in my section but did it just like he still the head of division here that can sorting and burning everything that he want.

How many retired of head division at your office changes their duty from middle manager to manager of cleaning service ?

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The last funniest story was happened a few hours ago.

The retired head of division at my office sent me a message on blackberry.

" Hi Nick, do you have data of families ? Poor families ?

I reply," yes I have but at the laptop that I left at the office"

She asked me to give that data on Monday. So I said, tomorrow I will going to Jakarta to follow the national event there. She told me that the data needed by her on Monday because she should make a speech. I think she pushed me to come to the office on Saturday. And then I said that Saturday I have a lesson at my campus.
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She looks like angry and said thank you because reply her message.

The funniest thing is......she said that she write a speech for opening ceremonial of UPPKS training at my office. Hahahaha......who is she....now ???

How many retired of head division at your office still have a power and an authority to do the official duty ?

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Here are my notes :

Every single funniest story just because there's no an authority from the active managers. They are the official manager but they don't have the responsibility. Why ? Because they chosen by people who are not responsible, also for the irresponsible way. Who are these people ? They are the retired head of division and head of the office.that still live near in official office.

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How about my staff  ? He was taught by the retired of head of division who are not responsible because having an affair too. He was the golden boy of that retired of head division. And he knows that he will be not retired from the office although have an affair.

The funniest thing is...... this is untold story because all of the people in my office knew it but didn't tell. 
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So.... that habits are legacy........ that needed to be burned......

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